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Module: terminal.interactiveshell

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This documentation is for a development version of IPython. There may be significant differences from the latest stable release (1.2.1).

Module: terminal.embed

An embedded IPython shell.


  • Brian Granger
  • Fernando Perez


2 Classes

class IPython.terminal.embed.EmbeddedMagics(shell=None, **kwargs)

Bases: IPython.core.magic.Magics


%kill_embedded : deactivate for good the current embedded IPython.

This function (after asking for confirmation) sets an internal flag so that an embedded IPython will never activate again. This is useful to permanently disable a shell that is being called inside a loop: once you’ve figured out what you needed from it, you may then kill it and the program will then continue to run without the interactive shell interfering again.

class IPython.terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed(config=None, ipython_dir=None, user_ns=None, user_module=None, custom_exceptions=((), None), usage=None, banner1=None, banner2=None, display_banner=None, exit_msg=u'', user_global_ns=None)

Bases: IPython.terminal.interactiveshell.TerminalInteractiveShell

__init__(config=None, ipython_dir=None, user_ns=None, user_module=None, custom_exceptions=((), None), usage=None, banner1=None, banner2=None, display_banner=None, exit_msg=u'', user_global_ns=None)
mainloop(local_ns=None, module=None, stack_depth=0, display_banner=None, global_ns=None, compile_flags=None)

Embeds IPython into a running python program.


local_ns, module

Working local namespace (a dict) and module (a module or similar object). If given as None, they are automatically taken from the scope where the shell was called, so that program variables become visible.

stack_depth : int

How many levels in the stack to go to looking for namespaces (when local_ns or module is None). This allows an intermediate caller to make sure that this function gets the namespace from the intended level in the stack. By default (0) it will get its locals and globals from the immediate caller.


A bit field identifying the __future__ features that are enabled, as passed to the builtin compile() function. If given as None, they are automatically taken from the scope where the shell was called.

1 Function


Call this to embed IPython at the current point in your program.

The first invocation of this will create an InteractiveShellEmbed instance and then call it. Consecutive calls just call the already created instance.

If you don’t want the kernel to initialize the namespace from the scope of the surrounding function, and/or you want to load full IPython configuration, you probably want IPython.start_ipython() instead.

Here is a simple example:

from IPython import embed
a = 10
b = 20
embed('First time')
c = 30
d = 40

Full customization can be done by passing a Config in as the config argument.