This documentation is for a development version of IPython. There may be significant differences from the latest stable release (1.2.1).
Notebook related utilities
Join components of url into a relative url
Use to prevent double slash when joining subpath. This will leave the initial and final / in place
Convert a local file path to a URL
Convert a URL to a local file path
Escape special characters in a URL path
Turns ‘/foo bar/’ into ‘/foo%20bar/’
Unescape special characters in a URL path
Turns ‘/foo%20bar/’ into ‘/foo bar/’
Is a file hidden or contained in a hidden directory?
This will start with the rightmost path element and work backwards to the given root to see if a path is hidden or in a hidden directory. Hidden is determined by either name starting with ‘.’ or the UF_HIDDEN flag as reported by stat.
Parameters: | abs_path : unicode
abs_root : unicode
Convert an API path to a filesystem path
If given, root will be prepended to the path. root must be a filesystem path already.