This documentation is for a development version of IPython. There may be
significant differences from the latest stable release (1.2.1).
Tornado handlers for the notebooks web service.
3 Classes
class, request, **kwargs)
Bases: IPython.html.base.handlers.IPythonHandler
delete(*args, **kwargs)
delete the notebook in the given notebook path
get(*args, **kwargs)
Return a Notebook or list of notebooks.
- GET with path and no notebook name lists notebooks in a directory
- GET with path and notebook name returns notebook JSON
notebook_location(name, path='')
Return the full URL location of a notebook based.
Parameters: | name : unicode
The base name of the notebook, such as “foo.ipynb”.
path : unicode
The URL path of the notebook.
patch(*args, **kwargs)
PATCH renames a notebook without re-uploading content.
post(*args, **kwargs)
Create a new notebook in the specified path.
POST creates new notebooks. The server always decides on the notebook name.
- POST /api/notebooks/path
- New untitled notebook in path. If content specified, upload a
notebook, otherwise start empty.
- POST /api/notebooks/path?copy=OtherNotebook.ipynb
- New copy of OtherNotebook in path
put(*args, **kwargs)
Saves the notebook in the location specified by name and path.
PUT is very similar to POST, but the requester specifies the name,
whereas with POST, the server picks the name.
- PUT /api/notebooks/path/Name.ipynb
- Save notebook at path/Name.ipynb. Notebook structure is specified
in content key of JSON request body. If content is not specified,
create a new empty notebook.
- PUT /api/notebooks/path/Name.ipynb?copy=OtherNotebook.ipynb
- Copy OtherNotebook to Name
class, request, **kwargs)
Bases: IPython.html.base.handlers.IPythonHandler
get(*args, **kwargs)
get lists checkpoints for a notebook
post(*args, **kwargs)
post creates a new checkpoint
class, request, **kwargs)
Bases: IPython.html.base.handlers.IPythonHandler
delete(*args, **kwargs)
delete clears a checkpoint for a given notebook
post(*args, **kwargs)
post restores a notebook from a checkpoint